Sexual Nuance Part 2: Practice Subtle Sex for Greater Pleasure

TLDR: Become a better lover by discovering more nuances in sex.

Media and porn often portray sex and sexuality with little nuance. Most porn is heteronormative and focused on movements that will bring the man to orgasm.

If you or...

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Understand the Nuance of Sex: What it is and why it matters in YOUR sex life

TLDR: Become a better lover by discovering more nuances in sex.

Media and porn often portray sex and sexuality with little nuance. Most porn is heteronormative and focused on movements that will bring the man to orgasm....

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5 Winning Strategies to IMPROVE Your Relationship: Best Ways to Communicate and Show Love

TLDR: We all use strategies in relationships, let's talk about the five strategies that work best to help you get what you want from your love life.

You want more connection, better communication, and a...

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5 Losing Strategies in Relationship: Couples Therapist Says STOP Doing These #relationship advice


TLDR: We all use strategies in relationships, let's talk about the five strategies that don't work and will make your relationship worse.

Yikes! "5 Losing Strategies" sounds pretty...

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The Art of Pausing: Improve Your Relationship Today

TLDR: Learn how to PAUSE before you react!

Have you heard of 2nd Consciousness before? No worries, it's a Relational Life Therapy term. What it means is - the ability to stop yourself before you react.

Most people move through life in 1st...

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One Simple Practice to IMPROVE Sex & Turn-On: Rethinking Kegel Exercises

TLDR: You know the endlessly encouraged Kegel exercises, right? Well, learn a new way to do them that increases your turn-on and sexual pleasure!

Kegel exercises have been around for thousands of years. They've gone by...

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Three Tips for Better Therapy: How to get the most BENEFIT from your work!

TLDR: You are responsible for your growth in therapy. Learn three tools to help you get the most out of your work with a therapist!

Today's practice is all about how you can take control of your therapeutic journey and...

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How to STOP telling yourself you're not enough! IMPROVE your relationships by changing this belief!

TLDR: The belief "I'm not enough" is detrimental to your wellbeing and relationships. Thankfully, you can change this belief.

Believing you're not enough is painful and shame-inducing. Not only...

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Self-Love: You ARE Enough! Right Now, In This Moment.

TLDR: Learn a practice to teach your brain and belief system your true value and worth.

Today's practice is all about using imagery and mental shifts to change negative beliefs about yourself. In particular, the belief "I am not enough."


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