Dec 28, 2021

One Simple Practice to IMPROVE Sex & Turn-On: Rethinking Kegel Exercises

TLDR: You know the endlessly encouraged Kegel exercises, right? Well, learn a new way to do them that increases your turn-on and sexual pleasure!

Kegel exercises have been around for thousands of years. They've gone by many other names throughout history and different cultures. Then, in 1948, Dr. Arnold Kegel repackaged these ancient sexual teachings as an alternative to surgery. (Thank you, Arnold!)

Kegel exercises are an intentional lifting of the pelvic floor muscles. Designed to strengthen, stretch, and improve elasticity of the muscles. This can prevent pain in the pelvic area by helping the muscles maintain mobility and health.

An additional benefit is these movements can increase sexual pleasure! Part of the improvement in pleasure is about embodiment and being more connected to sensations in your body. Another part involves increased blood flow, greater sensation due to more elastic muscles, and prevention of pain during sexual activity.

Watch the video to take your Kegel Exercise to a whole new level of sexual pleasure and turn-on! You'll learn a simple skill when performing the exercises to help you gain more of the pleasure benefits, in addition to the health benefits!

I hope you enjoy! Remember to like this video, share it with your people, and subscribe to my channel for more relationship/sexuality tips and tools!

XO, Jami Lynn

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Music: 'Lion' by Sapajou
Free download:

DISCLAIMER: This content is not therapy, nor is it a substitute for therapy. If something in this video is activating, illuminating, or intriguing to you - please seek a trained professional to explore the topic with.

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