Learn actionable skills and tools for healthy boundary setting.

Feel connected and protected in your relationships.

Feel connected and protected in your relationships.
Discover your infinite worth and value by listening to your needs.

You’re just a few steps away from a happier and more fulfilled life.
Good boundaries are the key to having a great relationship with yourself, with others, and with reality.
Clear boundaries make it possible for people to be connected and safe in relationships. Your boundaries teach others how to treat you and are the guidelines for how you value yourself.
Healthy boundaries protect your time, your energy, your relationships, and your well-being. Boundaries also protect you from becoming bitter or resentful of other people’s behavior.
By knowing your personal boundaries, you can relate to people from a place of calm.
Join Boundaries: Create Your Peace to learn the skills and steps to create healthy boundaries in your life!
Discover your infinite worth and value by listening to your needs.

You’re just a few steps away from a happier and more fulfilled life.
Good boundaries are the key to having a great relationship with yourself, with others, and with reality.
Clear boundaries make it possible for people to be connected and safe in relationships. Your boundaries teach others how to treat you and are the guidelines for how you value yourself.
Healthy boundaries protect your time, your energy, your relationships, and your well-being. Boundaries also protect you from becoming bitter or resentful of other people’s behavior.
By knowing your personal boundaries, you can relate to people from a place of calm.
Join Boundaries: Create Your Peace to learn the skills and steps to create healthy boundaries in your life!

Jami Lynn Bula, LPC, LMFT
Jami Lynn is a romantic relationship fanatic! She's been working with clients who want to create healthier, more satisfying relationships for over 5 years. Her work focuses on practical skills to create an intimate and connected life.

Jami Lynn Bula, LPC, LMFT
Jami Lynn is a romantic relationship fanatic! She's been working with clients who want to create healthier, more satisfying relationships for over 5 years. Her work focuses on practical skills to create an intimate and connected life.

Juliane Taylor Shore, LPC-S, LMFT-S, SEP
Jules has been a specialist in trauma recovery and couples counseling for 12 years and loves to work experientially because that is how to meet and invite shifts in the implicit mind.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are boundaries?
Boundaries are personal and unique. No two people have the same boundaries because we all have different needs in relationship.
Your boundaries clearly define what you are willing to tolerate in a relationship and what you will not tolerate. As well as the actions you will take when people cross your boundaries.
Healthy boundaries are flexible and adaptive. You may find that your boundaries change depending on the relationship or situation you find yourself in.
In this course we will cover the four types of boundaries:
- Physical boundaries - which help your body feel safe
- Psychological boundaries - which act as a gatekeeper between your mind and the mind of others
- Containing boundary - the boundary that protects other people from your hurtful behaviors
- Executed Boundary - boundaries we communicate with others about our needs
Most people are familiar with the last type of boundary (though they don't know our 6 Steps to a Well Executed Boundary), but have no idea how to do the other three types of boundaries.
If you're ready to learn the skills needed to live connected and protected, join the course today!
Why should I take this course?
Boundaries are the most important skill to live a connected, joyful life!
Healthy boundaries are also one of the skills that will help our species evolve into a kinder and more loving community.
When you understand and practice your healthy boundaries, you discover how to live your values. So often we feel connected to values like compassion, empathy, non-violence, and love.
But it can be challenging to remember your values in challenging or emotional moments. Boundaries are the bridge between knowing your values and acting in accordance with your values.
When we think about the role boundaries play in your life, Jules and I agree - they are the most useful tool to learn in this life.
You will experience SO many benefits from learning healthy boundaries, but to name a few you'll:
- Express your needs rather than self-abandoning
- Feel physically safer in the world
- Know how to keep out other people's biases and judgments
- Stop yourself from acting-out in hurtful ways
- Build trust with people, because your words and actions will align
- Stop believing internal stories that aren't true and don't serve you
- Create new, consciously-chosen patterns of thought and behavior
These skills are the most practical tools we teach in our therapy offices. Hundreds of clients have used this work to transform their lives.
The reason you should learn these skills is that it will not only help you but everyone you care about. Through modeling healthy boundaries, you have the power to positively impact the world.
What's included in the course?
The core training includes six lessons:
- Boundaries and Compassion
- Physical Boundaries
- Psychological Boundaries Part 1
- Psychological Boundaries Part 2
- Containing Boundaries
- Executed Boundaries
Each lesson covers:
- the neuroscience behind each type of boundary
- what the boundary is and how it will work for you
- guided exploration of your current relationship to each type of boundary
- experiential practices to begin creating healthier boundaries
In addition to the core training, there is a bonus video where Jules and I discuss specific boundaries we have set in our lives. Plus you will get to see Jules lead me through exploring a new boundary I want to set in my relationship. (Get ready to be surprised. So often we go into boundary-setting thinking it will be an executed boundary, or a boundary we set with another person, only to discover it's an internal boundary that's needed.)
In total, you will receive six hours of training with myself and Jules. Jules' current rate per hour is $400, while mine is $200. So what would normally cost $3,600 (!) you're getting for a tenth of that price.
It's challenging to describe the return on investment you will get from this course, only because it's hard to capture the transformation with words. But I'll give it a shot...
What's included in this course is a roadmap to becoming a version of yourself who knows the value of your one precious life. And you'll know how to protect and love yourself without fear of hurting or devaluing others.
How quickly can I expect results?
If you practice the skills described in the course, you will begin to notice a change in just a few weeks.
After that, over months you will become faster at these skills. It will start to feel effortless to know and communicate your boundaries.
And, in a few short years, you will be shocked by your transformation. Jules, myself, and many clients feel like different people after fully integrating these skills. Boundaries become a natural part of who you are after you've practiced them often enough. Thankfully, there's plenty of opportunities to practice!
Frequently Asked Questions
What are boundaries?
Boundaries are personal and unique. No two people have the same boundaries because we all have different needs in relationship.
Your boundaries clearly define what you are willing to tolerate in a relationship and what you will not tolerate. As well as the actions you will take when people cross your boundaries.
Healthy boundaries are flexible and adaptive. You may find that your boundaries change depending on the relationship or situation you find yourself in.
In this course we will cover the four types of boundaries:
- Physical boundaries - which help your body feel safe
- Psychological boundaries - which act as a gatekeeper between your mind and the mind of others
- Containing boundary - the boundary that protects other people from your hurtful behaviors
- Executed Boundary - boundaries we communicate with others about our needs
Most people are familiar with the last type of boundary (though they don't know our 6 Steps to a Well Executed Boundary), but have no idea how to do the other three types of boundaries.
If you're ready to learn the skills needed to live connected and protected, join the course today!
Why should I take this course?
Boundaries are the most important skill to live a connected, joyful life!
Healthy boundaries are also one of the skills that will help our species evolve into a kinder and more loving community.
When you understand and practice your healthy boundaries, you discover how to live your values. So often we feel connected to values like compassion, empathy, non-violence, and love.
But it can be challenging to remember your values in challenging or emotional moments. Boundaries are the bridge between knowing your values and acting in accordance with your values.
When we think about the role boundaries play in your life, Jules and I agree - they are the most useful tool to learn in this life.
You will experience SO many benefits from learning healthy boundaries, but to name a few you'll:
- Express your needs rather than self-abandoning
- Feel physically safer in the world
- Know how to keep out other people's biases and judgments
- Stop yourself from acting-out in hurtful ways
- Build trust with people, because your words and actions will align
- Stop believing internal stories that aren't true and don't serve you
- Create new, consciously-chosen patterns of thought and behavior
These skills are the most practical tools we teach in our therapy offices. Hundreds of clients have used this work to transform their lives.
The reason you should learn these skills is that it will not only help you but everyone you care about. Through modeling healthy boundaries, you have the power to positively impact the world.
What's included in the course?
The core training includes six lessons:
- Boundaries and Compassion
- Physical Boundaries
- Psychological Boundaries Part 1
- Psychological Boundaries Part 2
- Containing Boundaries
- Executed Boundaries
Each lesson covers:
- the neuroscience behind each type of boundary
- what the boundary is and how it will work for you
- guided exploration of your current relationship to each type of boundary
- experiential practices to begin creating healthier boundaries
In addition to the core training, there is a bonus video where Jules and I discuss specific boundaries we have set in our lives. Plus you will get to see Jules lead me through exploring a new boundary I want to set in my relationship. (Get ready to be surprised. So often we go into boundary-setting thinking it will be an executed boundary, or a boundary we set with another person, only to discover it's an internal boundary that's needed.)
In total, you will receive six hours of training with myself and Jules. Jules' current rate per hour is $400, while mine is $200. So what would normally cost $3,600 (!) you're getting for a tenth of that price.
It's challenging to describe the return on investment you will get from this course, only because it's hard to capture the transformation with words. But I'll give it a shot...
What's included in this course is a roadmap to becoming a version of yourself who knows the value of your one precious life. And you'll know how to protect and love yourself without fear of hurting or devaluing others.
How quickly can I expect results?
If you practice the skills described in the course, you will begin to notice a change in just a few weeks.
After that, over months you will become faster at these skills. It will start to feel effortless to know and communicate your boundaries.
And, in a few short years, you will be shocked by your transformation. Jules, myself, and many clients feel like different people after fully integrating these skills. Boundaries become a natural part of who you are after you've practiced them often enough. Thankfully, there's plenty of opportunities to practice!
Don’t wait! Learn healthy boundaries and take control of your life today.
Get access to the full Boundaries: Create Your Peace course.
Don’t wait! Learn healthy boundaries and take control of your life today.
Get access to the full Boundaries: Create Your Peace course.