Dec 28, 2021

Mindfulness 101: Quiet Your Mind to IMPROVE Your Relationship

TLDR: Practice the skill of quieting your mind and you'll become a calmer, more attuned partner. Today's video is a guided meditation, designed to introduce you to mindfulness practice.

When you practice meditation, you are myelinating the parts of your brain that emotionally regulate your nervous system and help you become more present. Plus you activate SO many other amazing and beneficial brain changes! Think: rationality, intuition, compassion, integration of consciousness, etc.

When you learn how to quiet your mind and become more present, it will improve your relationship. Your increased presence helps people experience you as more attuned, caring, and loving. All qualities that people look for in a romantic partner.

AND when you can quiet your mind, you're less likely to get emotionally flooded and act out your upset on the person you love. We all act poorly sometimes, especially in our partnership, and mindfulness is one way to help yourself decrease the frequency of those incidents.

I hope you enjoy today's video! With love, Jami Lynn

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Music: 'Lion' by Sapajou
Free download:

DISCLAIMER: This content is not therapy, nor is it a substitute for therapy. If something in this video is activating, illuminating, or intriguing to you - please seek a trained professional to explore the topic with.

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